IMPORTANT NOTE: As of 2023, at least 750 words of "Extended Abstract" will be requested from the articles whose written language is Turkish. In the event that the articles submitted before 2023 and whose process is in progress are accepted for publication, the extended abstract in English will be added at the time of publication.
1.Aizanoi Finance Review is a refereed journal and is published twice a year, every 6 months. Articles can be sent in Turkish and English languages.
2. Original studies in the social sciences are published in the journal.
3. Articles submitted to the Aizanoi Finance Review should not have been published anywhere before and should not be submitted to another printed / electronic medium for publication. In the event that the articles submitted to the Journal of Economics Public Finance Business and / or taken into the referee process are sent to another channel and it is determined that the same or similar has been published before, the process is canceled.
4. The articles are evaluated through “Dergipark Article Application System (
5. Articles submitted to the Aizanoi Finance Review are primarily subject to preliminary examination in terms of form and content. Articles that are suitable in terms of form and content are presented to the editorial board for the appointment of the referee. Whether the articles sent to the Aizanoi Finance Review will enter the refereeing process will be concluded within 4 weeks.
6. If it is found appropriate to the articles anonymously reviewed by the Editorial Board, the referee / s are appointed. Each article is sent to at least two referees as an anonymous text. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, it is sent to the third referee for reporting. If two referee reports are negative, the article is rejected without referring to the third referee report.
7. In line with the reports from the referee (s), it is decided to publish the article, to request correction, additional information and shortening from the author (s) within the framework of the report, and to notify the author (s).
8. If a correction is requested for the article, the correction should be made within the time specified by the editor and submitted to the editorial board. Otherwise, the work will be removed from the process as an editor.
9. The type of the article (Research, case report, review etc.) should be specified in the application of the articles sent to the Aizanoi Finance Review.
10. If the original language of the article is Turkish, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, English title, abstract in English, if the original language of the article is English, English title, English abstract, Turkish title, Turkish abstract should be included. In Abstract / Abstract writing; Care should be taken to include purpose, method, findings and outcome information. Keywords should be written under the Abstract / Abstract sections. Abbreviation should not be used in Öz / Abstract writing. Abstract / Abstract sections should not exceed 200 words. The title of the article should be written in 12 font size, capital letters, bold and centered on the page. Abstract / Abstract titles should be written in 10 font size, initial letters should be capitalized, other letters should be small, bold and left aligned. The Abstract / Abstract should fit on one page and the “Introduction” section should start from the other page. The study has been previously presented, if it was produced from a project or thesis, etc. Necessary explanation should be made by placing a footnote (*) at the end of the article title.
11. Articles in the field of JEL must be classified into 3 JELs (Journal of Economic Literature). can be used for gel classifications that should be selected according to the article's topic. JEL classification is located under the Turkish and English abstracts (with Keywords: and Keywords: headings).
12. When sending to the "", the contact form, copyright and declaration form are filled in. These forms are available on the website of our journal and on the application system.
13. Names and surnames of the author/authors should be written under the title of the article, aligned to the right, and the title, institution, e-mail and ORCID information should be included in the footnote by adding a footnote.
14. Bibliography and footnote editing of all articles; It should be written in accordance with the writing principles stated in "The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition), 2001" published by the American Psychological Association (APA). This resource is available on the website of our journal.
15. Submitted articles should be written in 6nk and single-spaced before and after. The page limit for articles is set to 35 pages, but in special cases, the editor can be contacted. The article should be prepared in 12 point Times New Roman and Turkish font. The page structure should be written by leaving 2 cm from the bottom, top, right and left, 0.5 cm from the left and justified on both sides.
16. Title classification in the text is done with numbers. 1, 1.1., 1.1.1 .; 2., 2.1., 2.1.1., 3., 3.1., 3.1.1. as. The number of 'Login' will not be numbered. Turkish and English main titles (Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold and centered)
17. In the article, the page number should be indicated, in the lower middle part.
18. In articles sent for publication, paragraph indents should not be included in the text and titles.
19. Articles, graphics and tables must be in accordance with the format specified by the journal. Footnotes, graphics and tables should be placed as much as possible on the page cited or immediately thereafter. The notes under the graphics and tables should aim to make these materials understandable regardless of the main text. The title of the table and figure should be written in left order, bold and numbered order (such as "Table 1:" or "Figure 5:"). Table and figure titles should be written in italics (Example: Table 1: 1989–2016 Public Investment Expenditures). Tables and figures should be left-justified and text wrapping should be off. "Notes" written under the table should be written in italics.
20. Each annex in the article should be given on separate pages after the bibliography. Titles should be written in bold, uppercase and left-aligned (such as "ANNEX 1:").
21. Citations should be made in the text using the conjunction method. Explanation notes should be stated as footnotes and 10 points below the page. References in the text should be made in the form of the surname of the author (s), the year of the source and the page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author. Sample;
References in single author publications: (Yaşar, 2016: p. 80).
Citation in two author publications: (Yağbasan and Akbaş, 2017: p. 42).
· Citation in three or more publications with authors: (Akbaş et al., 2016: p. 85).
Reference to more than one source: (Yaşar, 1948: 96; Yağbasan, 2015: p. 69)
References for the entire source: (Akıncı, 2015)
References for non-author sources: (TURKSTAT, 2017: p. 95).
For other citation procedures, the source named “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition), 2001” can be used on our website.
22. If the source is quoted exactly, the page number must be given when referring to the source. While referring to the sources in the Turkish text, "p." or "ss." It should be used (whichever form of representation chosen by the author should be the same throughout the article.). For example Özçelik (2015, p. 182) ...; Özçelik (2015, pp. 182-183). In English texts, "p." or "pp." It should be used. It creates p or pp in the automatic citation system in Word. If an automatic citation system is used, such use is also accepted.
23. If there is an explanation as a footnote in the article and any reference is made in the footnote, this source should also be specified in the bibliography.
24. The source should be written under the title "REFERENCES" and starting from a new page. The names of all authors should be given when writing references. The researcher should write the sources used in his study in alphabetical order of the surname of the author. In the writing of each source, all other lines, except the first line, are written 1 cm inside. When reference is made to more than one work of the same author, the sources are given from old to new according to the publication year. If the author has more than one publication with the same date, letters such as a, b are placed next to the publication date and the sources are separated from each other. Articles should include the starting and ending page number (s) from the source of the article.
If there is more than one author, “&” should be used before writing the last author.
References should be written and organized according to the following examples:
a) Book;
-Single-authored book:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Publisher, Number of Editions, Place of Publication.
Akinci, A. (2022). Public Expenditures. EMID Publishing House, 1st Edition, Kütahya. PLEASE EDIT THE BOOK DISPLAY IN THE REFERENCES LIKE THIS EXAMPLE!!!!
-Multi-authored book:
Author 1, Author 2 & Author 3 Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Book Name. Publisher: Publisher.
- Chapter in the book:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). "Title of Work". Editor (Jun./Ed.). Book title (page numbers). Publication place: Publisher.
- Institution Publications:
Name of Institution (Year of Publication). Publication name. Place of Publication: Publisher.
- Translation books:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Book title (Trans. Name Surname). Place of Publication: Publisher, Publication Year of Source Artwork.
- Thesis:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Thesis Name. Name of Institute, Type of Thesis, Place.
- Manuals:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Work. Place of Publication: Publisher
- Work without an Author:
Work (Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.
- Popular Magazine Article:
(If the author is known):
Author Surname, A. (Month Year). “Article Title”. Journal Title, volume: page number.
(If the author is unknown):
“Article Title” (Month Year). Journal Title, volume: page number.
- Scientific Journal Article:
Author 1, Author 2 & Author 3 Surname, A. (Year of Publication). “Article Title”. Journal Title, volume (issue): 1-15.
Akinci, A. & Bilge, E. (2020). "Public Expenditures". Economy Finance Business Journal, 5(2): 25-36 PLEASE EDIT THE ARTICLE DISPLAY IN THE REFERENCES LIKE THIS EXAMPLE!!!!
- Newspaper Article:
Author Surname, A. (Day Month Year). “Article Title”. Newspaper Name, page number.
- Article in Foreign Language:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). “Article Title”. Journal Title, volume(issue): page number.
- Notice:
(If published):
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). "Title of Paper". Editor (Ed.). Book Title (page number). Place of Publication: Publisher.
(If unpublished):
Speaker Surname, A. (Year). “Title of Paper” [Publication]. Meeting Name, Meeting Date, Meeting Place.
- Poster:
Author Surname, A. (Month Year). Name of the poster [Poster]. Meeting Name, Meeting Place.
- Encyclopedia Article:
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). "Substance name". Title of Work (volume no: page no) Place of Publication: Publisher.
- Report:
Company Name. (Year of Publication). Report Name (Report No). Publication Place: Prepared by Institution.
- Laws and Regulations:
Law Name. (Year Adopted). Publication Name, Issue, Day Month Year.
- Electronic Resources:
(Electronic Version of the Printed Book):
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Book Title [Electronic Version]. Place of Publication: Publisher. (Access Date:XX.XX.XXXX)
(Electronic Version of Printed Article):
Author Surname, A. (Year of Publication). “Article Title” [Electronic Version]. Journal Title, volume(issue): page number. (Access Date:XX.XX.XXXX)
(Article or Article in Database):
Author Surname, A. (Publication Year). Article Name. Journal Name, volume (issue): page number. [Access: Day Month Year, Database Name, Registration/Article No]. (Access Date:XX.XX.XXXX)
(Report in Database):
Institution Name (Month Year). Report Name (Report No). Access: Day Month Year, http://network address. (Access Date:XX.XX.XXXX)
25. In articles, the spelling guide and spelling rules of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as examples. For detailed information, see the web page of the Turkish Language Association: . Instead of foreign words, Turkish dictionaries should be used as much as possible. When using unconventional words in Turkish, the foreign language equivalent can be given in parentheses at the first occurrence. Foreign words in the text should be italicized.
26. The English-language parts of the articles sent in English and the English-written parts of the articles sent in Turkish must have undergone a competent language control before submission. Regardless of the content, articles that are insufficient in terms of language are returned/rejected. It is important that the authors pay maximum attention to this issue.